Flame Retardant MB, Halogenated ...
...for electrical applications, corrugated pipes ...
Tecnosintesi SpA provides a Flame Retardant Masterbatch, which has been
specially developed for electrical applications, corrugated pipes for
electrical cables, and which is currently implemented in major European
countries in substitution of more expensive Flame Retardant Masterbatches.
Our Flame Retardant Masterbatch for corrugated pipes meets the new targets set by changing
regulation and environmental concerns; our Flame Retardant Masterbatch suits the changing
demands of the market.
Tecnosintesi's flame retardant masterbatch contains a synergistic system of halogenated flame
retardant additives based on a LDPE carrier, and it's specially designed for extrusion or
injection molding applications.
Our product is a really cost effective flame retardant solution, which has demonstrated to
perform better than more expensive master batches currently in the market.
The masterbatch form provides the best handling and processing solution.
Typical use levels will range from 10% to 20% depending on application, part thickness, and
desired flame retardant performance.
The optimum additive loading in the final part depends on the specific processing conditions
andenvironment the part is to be used in.
Tecnosintesi provides Technical Support for the implementation of this Masterbatch.
Contact us for more detailed technical information, Technical
Data Sheet, Commercial offer and Samples.
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