Company overview...

...some detailed information about our company...

Company Name:  Tecnosintesi S.p.A.

Company Structure:  Joint-Stock Company, fully paid up share capital of € 120,000.00

Headquarter and Registered Office:  Via Don Luigi Palazzolo, 16 - 24122 Bergamo, Italy

Tax Code and VAT registration number: 04640630960

Eori number:  IT04640630960

Phone Number:  +39 035 8031578

Fax Number:  +39 035 8031579


Organization and staff: 
President and majority shareholder:  Mr. Franco Budi
Assistant, Administration, Logistics:  Miss. Donatella Facoetti
Purchasing and Distribution Agreements:  Mr. Franco Budi
Marketing and Sales:  Mr. Michele Angius
Sales and Logistics:  Mr. Fausto Gimondi
Sales: Agents in charge of specific markets and products; Tecnosintesi operates its worldwide sale activity through its partners in Asia and agents in charge for some specific markets in North and South America, Europe and Middle East.
You can contact our main office to know if your area is covered by our agents or by our Bergamo office.

Our office location in Google Map:

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Latest News

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11 May 2015

Thanks for visiting us at Plast!

Tecnosintesi Thanks all the people that visited our booth at Plast 2015. It has been a pleasure having the chance to meet You. Thanks.

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22 Nov 2014

Tecnosintesi will participate at Plast 2015

Tecnosintesi will participate at PLAST 2015 in Milan. You’ll be welcome to visit our booth.

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15 Jan 2014

Distribution Agreement, Eurochemicals Portugal

Tecnosintesi is Eurochemicals Portugal Exclusive Distributor for Pine Rosins.